Tuesday, May 5, 2009

happy Anniversary to us!!

May 3rd was our 6th wedding anniversary and ironically my due date for the triplets. We still think it is funny that on our 6th anniversary our family was to grow to 6. Of course we knew we would never deliver on that day, but we will certainly never forget their real due date. It is hard to believe that 6 years has gone by, but they have been the best of my life. I still love my honey more than ever.

Even with all of the chaos at our house we were blessed to have sitters for Saturday night so Mark and I could go out to dinner. Julie and Brandon, (parents to be) braved the triplets and Caleb spent the night at Aunt Trisha and Uncle Johns house. Julie and Brandon survived and still want to have their own child :) Dinner was awesome, but the babies were up all night long. It was the worst night that we have had with them and fortunately whatever was bothering their tummies that night has gone away. Mark says I poisoned them with White Castle from the night before and maybe that is true. I guess I will be more careful with my food intake :)

Aren't we cute!!!
Ahh...the memories

1 comment:

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS on 6 years!!! Glad to hear you guys got to go out and celebrate - hope you had a blast (or at least just some calmness for a couple hours if nothing else).