Friday, May 15, 2009


Time sure flies when you are having fun :) Well the last week or two have been a little hectic. I'm sure some of you may have noticed the red thing on Cecilia's face in the most recent pics I posted and that is what is called a hemangioma. You can google it if you want to know more about it, but basically it was a little dull pink spot when we brought her home from the hospital and it started rapidly growing. If it was anywhere else on her body they would not have been concerned, but where it was located on her face, it was starting to push on her eye and nose which would eventually caused problems. We met with the dermatologist and she suggested either sterioids or another treatment with propranolol. The propranolol required close supervision in the beginning of her blood pressure and blood sugar while they increased her dose to what she would need to continue at home. We opted to go with the propranolol and had to admit her to the hospital for 2 days. So I once again became a resident of a fine hospital establishment. She was admitted last Thursday and did not get to come home until Sunday around 1pm. Needless to say with 4 kids this was a logistical nightmare with less than a days notice, but we worked it thanks to the help of our wonderful families. She continues to take her dose twice daily and the spot is shrinking but they will continue to monitor it. We don't know how long she will have to take it, but it will most likely be awhile to ensure that it does not start growing again.

Other than that things are good. The hippos are hungry a lot and have figured out that they really like to be held. We are also starting to see smiles so that is really exciting. I have some great photos that a friend took and I will post them soon, but I don't want to spoil the birth announcement that I am making so you will all have to stay tuned :)

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