Monday, April 19, 2010

March 1

March was a very busy month for all us of. Planning and preparing for all of the kids birthday party was probably the biggest thing. We also stated spending a lot of time outside. The babies LOVE it outside and prefer to be there as opposed to any where else. We travel everywhere in the choo choo wagon and they have graduated from their infant carriers to their big boy and big girl car seats. I really didn't care about giving the seats up, but just hated to lose my triple decker stroller. Sad to see it go, but the wagon is serving us well.
Cecilia still loves to eat wipes (pictured below) Christian with his smoosh face...and all of his extra hair (where did that come from anyway??)

Cohen AKA Belly man still on the move and a lot quicker these days.

Cecilia directing the lunch crowd. (Cohen left and Christian right)

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