Saturday, May 22, 2010

Purina Farms

On Good Friday the multiples group was having a play date at Purina Farms. I had not been there since I was you and was going take Caleb only by my mom volunteered to tag along so we brought the babies too. Not so sure it was the best idea since there was not a whole lot for them to do there and it was SO packed. A couple of different times my mom and I split so we could maneuver the babies through the crowd and manage Caleb. It was a really pretty day so it was nice to be outside.

The highlight of the day for the babies was definitely NOT the visit with the Easter bunny. Caleb really enjoyed the dog show and we were able stick it out long enough for him to see it. The babies played in a grassy area and my mom and I took turns sitting with Caleb. The prize for the kid that was able to go be the helper was a light up dog pen that he HAD to have it. That pen is so cool that it was used to write on the seats of my car. Caleb was cleaning for quite some time and just saw the pen for the first time a couple of days ago.

Cohen...Get this big furry thing away from me!!

Cecilia-HELP!!! me!!!

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