Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
May cont.
Here is a pic of all the pregos at Julie's shower.....wait!!! All prego but ME!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
One of the guys that does work with Mark offered us tickets to the baseball game for a Friday night in one of the club areas that has all you can eat and drink. We were fortunate enough to be able to get the girls up the street to babysit (two of them) and we got out for a night. It was so much fun to be out and not have to worry to much about everyone back at home. The girls said the babies and Caleb were great and even that the babies were the best babies they had ever watched which was a nice compliment. Now we know that they will come back it is just a matter of affording them and a night out :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Our baby Journey
Link for part 1
Link for part 2
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Cryin about his sister
Speaking of sisters, we played the Simon and Garfunkel song, Cecilia for Caleb on the way to Bonne Terre yesterday and he loved it. We all sang along since it is such a catchy tune, but once we got to the Makin love in the afternoon part, Mark kept making loud long beep noises as if to censor the song. We had to listen to it several times and Caleb said that it she loves her song and it made her happy and fall asleep. When we left we had to listen to it again for her.
Yesterday we took a trip to Kristie (Marks sister) and Pete's house to meet their new baby Noah that was born on Monday (so cute!). It was really eventful. We found a baby lizard in a spider web that was still alive and saved it...well sort of. Preston and Caleb took me for a walk out into the fields and they decided to go swimming in the pond (which was not really my idea). The cows yelled at us the entire time and when Preston was done swimming he scolded them. We lost a shoe in the field and found it and then Kristie rescued me and we went for a ride out into the woods and played in a creek. Picked up a turtle that was probably a snapper so sent it back to the fields. Ate awesome BBQ by uncle Pete and then headed home.
Back to the was probably on its last leg since it had been in a spider web for awhile, but after Caleb gave him a bath (and was upset because I would not get him a towel), dropped him through the cracks of the deck, lost a small part of his tail (it was a blue one so I think sometime they fall off in distress), it was either playing dead or was really dead. Caleb decided to toss it off the deck and leave it there. Whew, we made it out without a huge fight to leave it there, but wish it would have been alive when we left. He decided that he wanted to get fish from the pet store instead, but Mark told him he had to keep his room clean for a week before he could get any animals
Well today was his lucky day. My dad called to see if he wanted to go catch butterflies with his new net they bought last weekend and so they were off to the river. He brought back all sorts of shells, a baseball and golf ball for Mark and.........two baby frogs. He really likes the frogs, but one of them did not survive. He had no problem taking it outside and throwing it off the deck. You always worry about the whole death and dying thing with kids and apparently he is pretty ruthless. I sure hope if something happens to me I don't get thrown off a deck somewhere. Anyway we had to go to the pet store and get a cage for the frog and Caleb is very proud of it. I sure hope the frog enjoyed his/her bedtime story and is still breathing in the morning. What a great weekend!!!