Sunday, January 10, 2010

9 month appointment

The babies had their 9 month appointment this past week even though they were really 9 months old on the 21st of December. Everyone did well at the appointment.
Christian weighs 19 lbs, Cecilia weighs 15lbs 10 oz and Cohen weighs 19 lbs. It is funny that the boys weighed the same about since by looks one always looks/feels heavier than the other.
Christian's face seems to be changing to me, but I think it may also be that his teeth are still coming in on top and he also developed a cough this week.
Cecilia's hair is getting thicker and is definitely red. Yesterday it actually looked orange. She is very independent and has been known to wander off and play by herself. She has her two bottom teeth and one top fang tooth.
Cohen still has his two bottom teeth and his top side teeth so he still looks like he has fangs. As of today we can see his two front teeth and they are ready to pop through any minute. Hopefully they pop through soon as he has been a little fussy.

Cohen, Cecilia and Christian. 'Locked up' in Cecilia's bed so I could actually get a picture of all 3 of them. Yes, Cecilia is yelling at me :)

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