Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Caleb 4 years 10 months

Caleb is doing great and loving the babies a ton. We do have his special area set up in the play room so that we can keep the babies safe from his small toys. He also thinks it is really cool that he has a 'special' area which is great since the babies are into everything and it was starting to get to him. We are really working on his letters and it finally seems to be clicking. WE play a game every morning before he gets to watch cartoons. Most days he prefers to delay the game which is kind of nice since it is his choice to not have the TV on and he is not bugging me. TV is our biggest challenge, but it is getting better. Just this week we had to register him for kindergarten. Don't ask me where he is going because I don't know. Currently he is registered at St. Margaret Mary and Blades (the public school). It has been a tough decision which obviously has not been made yet. We have until August...right?

Currently he is in a swimming class and loves it. We really wanted to get him involved in something that we could do with only him however he asks every week if the babies could come. Normally we would honor his request, but his class is not until after their bedtime so even if we wanted to we could not bring them.

Caleb and I were able to sneak away to his favorite park, 'the rocket park'. We usually just play on the playground, but I had heard there was a creek and an awesome hill for sledding that we should check out. Since it was cold and we had been stuck inside so much I wanted to get him moving as much as possible. It was a nice little walk and here he is running...most of the time it was away from the camera, but I caught him.

Since Caleb has school in the afternoon, mornings tend to be pretty lazy. He sleeps in until he feels like getting up which is usually well after the babies are up. This particular morning I when I walked in the babies room Caleb was in Christians bed 'resting'.

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