Monday, August 2, 2010

Caleb funnies

So I decided to take Caleb to the school by our house so he could ride his bike on the track. Mark had other plans so I thought this would be fun for us to do since there was a playground there too, if all else failed we could play there. Caleb right off the bat did great once I got him started. He takes off around the track and as the track goes to the left he keeps going straight. I of course am half way around the track and take off running with the babies in tow. He apparently decided he wanted to stop, but it just so happened before the turn and was headed for the hill that went straight into the street. The funny thing was that Trisha and Caiden were coming to meet us there and they were coming down the street and saw the whole incident unfold.

At the same track, there were other people there walking and Trisha says to me did Caleb just run into that Lady? I look to where he is and he is on the ground and she is brushing off the back of her legs. So we run up to where they are and she has already taken off...running. Mind you she had been walking the whole time we were there. So I ask Caleb if he hit the lady and he says 'no'. I press further and he says, 'all right, but she was in the way'. We had a nice little conversation about politely letting people know when you are coming up behind them like a 'beep, beep'. So he takes off and within seconds the boys have caught up to the woman Caleb ran into. Trisha and I were watching closely thinking she might run off the track if she hears them coming , she did not, but she did leave. As Caleb rounds the track and approaches the cheer leaders I hear him yell 'get out of the way!' I guess that is better than running into them!

Today at costco, Caleb was insistent that we get samples. I of course did not know that the sample people did not come out until 11 and we got there at 10. Fortunately for Caleb we circled the store looking for Christan's shoe that he threw out of the cart for awhile and back tracked several times deciding what to get. Oh, and of course the bathroom break that took longer since the checker would not let me past without unloading my entire cart. (I have been to that bathroom a ton of times with unpurchased items. They don't let you out without a receipt anyway). So when we were done in the bathroom we had to reload all of the items back into the cart. After the first sample, Caleb said 'Mom, old people make good stuff'. He of course meaning this as a total compliment since most of the sample ladies at Costco are older, gray haired grandma looking types. I of course thought it was cute until we got to the lady with the yogurt. As he tasted her peach yogurt he says to the sample lady, (as he is commenting on how good his sample is) that old people make good stuff. She smiled and said 'oh really?'. I wanted to crawl back into my shell. I think she knew what he meant, but still!! I of course felt obligated to buy the yogurt so we have been enjoying that all afternoon.

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