Friday, August 6, 2010

Caleb funnies

We went to costco the other day, I think it is my new favorite store. We got there right when it opened and unfortunately what I did not realize is that the sample ladies do not come out until 11. I was only there for a couple of things so I really had no intentions of being there when the samples showed up. Caleb was begging for samples and the sad part is that between bathroom breaks and circling the store several times looking for Christians shoe that he threw out and getting the 3 items we were there for it took us an hour. Caleb begged and begged so we stuck around long enough for them to get ready and it might as well have been Christmas. the babies even know those people have food and they want it too. So Caleb tells the sample lady that old people make the best stuff. Not once, but twice. He really liked what she had to offer, however I don't think she found the humor in what he was saying.

Caleb is really into numbers and he told me today that he had not had Trix cereal for 400 million, 542, 33 thousand, 56 and 78 hundred DAYS!! This is normal conversation for anything that he wants and is trying to tell me that he has not had in a long time. Sometimes, well most of the time, the 'long time' is either a couple of days or hours.

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