Thursday, August 5, 2010

Christian's 1st Hair cut

Christians hair was getting pretty long, but for some reason we could just not bear to cut it. First hair cuts are like a passage into toddler hood or something of the sort. They just look so much bigger and grown up once they get that first snip. So we delayed it long enough and the other part of the problem was that Mark had decided that he was going to be the stylist. He has been wanting to cut Caleb's hair and I'm not to excited about that because he has so many colic's that even the professionals have a hard time with him. Once I finally made it to the supply store to get the scissors it still took a couple of days to get it trimmed. He did really well and so did Mark. Caleb was the assistant and combed the hair down so Mark could cut. I of course cringed every time a cut was made thinking it was going to be WAY too short. In the end it turned out great for Marks first shot at cutting hair.

Christian being a good little guy...not really sure what is going on other than enjoying the water spray.

Mark holding Christians head and Caleb combing the hair

Almost done!!

The assistant!

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