Monday, April 6, 2009


Well, it is official that I will not be going back to work. They actually made the decision for me by eliminating my position so on May 15th my new official job will be a stay at home mommy. As much as I liked my job and work, I know that my new career will most likely be more challenging but much more rewarding.


Michael Quinn said...

Andrea, thinking of you and your family and hoping you are okay. Please send me an email if you get the chance. I hope to be at a full time job soon -- had what I thought was a good interview today.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear that. You are right though - this next gig you have lined up will be incredibly rewarding and will be a good challenge. You are going to be a fantastic Mom of 4. It is going to be a blessing in disguise.
Sending you guys love and prayers!
Much Love,

Sam said...

Sorry that you were eliminated, but like you said, perhaps having the decision made for you is easiest. You'll have a tougher, but much more fun job ahead of you. I can't wait to see you. The babes are beautiful, I am just in awe!!