Wednesday, April 15, 2009


All 4 of our babies are sleeping and I should be as well. Last night with Cecilia went well and I'm sure tonight will too. They eat every 4 hours so I am going to hit the hay for another hour or so before they get up again. I will try to update as often as possible, but I'm sure things may get hectic over the next few days, but I am so happy to not have to travel to and from St. John's on a daily basis. Today was a great day bringing our babies home. When I was leaving the hospital I ran into a mom that just had triplets 4 days ago at 27 weeks. In all of the excitement my brief encounter with her made me once again realize how lucky we are to have 3 healthy babies that are now home with us just 3 1/2 weeks after they were born with no real issues up until this point. Everyone's prayers really paid off-THANK YOU!!


Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

Glad to hear all the babies are well and home! I hope you are doing good, too.

Unknown said...

Happy to hear you are all home and doing well. Let me know if you guys need anything at all!!!