This weekend was a great one and surprisingly we really did not have a whole lot going on. Today I was honored to be the Godmother to Owen Yu, my friends Michele and Adrian's newest little addition to thier family. I am the Godmother to 3 kids now and could not be more proud.
We had to move the furniture around in our living room earlier this week because the babies were getting on the couch and there was concern with them falling over the back and down the steps. With moving the furniture we need to move our tv and components and so we took a trip to the furniture store. Because it was so nice we had talked about going for a walk but ran out of time. Caleb really wanted to go for a walk and usually when he wants to do that he has an ulterior motive. Today he wanted to go to Walgreen's to replace his whoopee cushion that he had popped a week or so ago.
We ran out of time to do the walk and visit the furniture store so we just drove to walgreens and let Caleb get his whoopee cushion. Surprisingly they were on sale 3 for 3.98 and they are regularly 3.99 each. What a deal!! You might night think so, but these are not just your ordinary whoopee cushions, they are refillable one so you never have to blow them back up which is a bonus.
So, I'm not sure if it was a smart decision or not, but we went to walgreens first and then weekends only furniture and someone had some serious gas the entire time we were there. I thought it was hilarious, Mark seemed annoyed and the other people in the store weren't sure what to think.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Today was a big day for the babies, we went shoe shopping!! Since Cohen is walking everywhere I figured it was time to get them. He wasn't so sure about them at first, but got the hang of it right away. Christian is not a fan. He kicks them off all of the time and curls his toes making it difficult to put them on...which is probably why they fall off so easily. Cecilia didn't seem to care either way. She was more interested in the sales people gooing over her. Now, the question is was Velcro a smart idea. I thought so at first because the idea of tying and untying shoes all day long would be miserable, but then on the way home I could hear them playing with the Velcro. This should be interesting!!
I am actually looking forward to all of them walking. It will be so nice this spring to not have to worry about them crawling everywhere outside. Spring can't get here fast enough!!

I am actually looking forward to all of them walking. It will be so nice this spring to not have to worry about them crawling everywhere outside. Spring can't get here fast enough!!
Christian size 4.5, Cecilia size 4, Cohen size 5
I would have taken a pic of all of them in the shoes, but trying to get that would have been a joke :)
Caleb - Mom, what does God eat?
Me - food
Caleb - What kind of food?
Me - Well...I guess the same kind that we eat.
Caleb (after a long pause) - I think he eats Chicken pot pie...yep...chicken pot pie, that is what makes him strong.
Me - food
Caleb - What kind of food?
Me - Well...I guess the same kind that we eat.
Caleb (after a long pause) - I think he eats Chicken pot pie...yep...chicken pot pie, that is what makes him strong.
Covert operation
For the past month or so things have become increasingly tricky with the babies around. So, as the title of this post suggests, simple things throughout our day have become secret missions. Loading and unloading the dishwasher is nearly impossible with them around. They not only climb on the door of the open dishwasher, but climb all the way in, pull clean dishes out and make them dirty or pull dirty dishes out which is gross. Throwing something away in the trash/recycling cans which are in the pantry is hard too. They like to eat trash/paper and pull the broom/dust pan out along with anything else they can get their hands on. Opening the refrigerator or freezer door because they of course like to climb in and pull everything off the door. Changing the channel by remote or calling someone on the phone. These are all simple daily tasks that now have to be planned accordingly when babies are present. I find myself sneaking to do all of these things and find great joy in my success when my missions go unnoticed. I complain about this, but at the same time, I think it is hilarious. Have you ever tried to pull 3 babies out of the refrigerator, listen to the fighting over the phone/remotes. I am outnumbered and need to choose my battles carefully.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
So, I was eating bread and butter pickles and the babies seemed interested. Two of the chips were gone and the third was found half eaten...I think they liked them.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Time passes so quickly...
I can't believe it, but the time is already here. I have to actually plan birthdays for 4 kids!!
Last year at this point I had been in the hospital for 27 days and had no idea what would happen. Each day I inched closer and closer to a safer zone, but still I was like a time bomb. My friend Sam sent me a care package from FL and it had valentines decorations in it and we decorated my room on Superbowl Sunday. I never knew how long I would be there so decorating was always a big step. It was sort of a commitment to say that I would still be there on that day and I was. Valentines came and went and Mark had to find me St. Patricks day decorations. It was a good feeling and I remember feeling strong at that point. I didn't mind being there. Don't get me wrong, I felt like I was missing out on the world outside and especially my family, but I knew deep down where I needed to be. It was hard for me to relax and do what I was supposed to do in the 'outside' world so I was stuck. The monitoring was nice and I knew that everyone inside was safe inside me for more days. I looked forward to visits from friends and family and especially good reports from the doctors and nurses. Believe it or not I was working hard laying in that bed. A different sort of job if you will. I had to be mentally strong and I think I pulled it off. Deep down, I was scared to death, but I also knew that I could do it and did not want small sick babies. It was always nice to see Sr. Laverne Wester every Monday morning excited to see that I was still there. I could have cried every day, but I didn't and I think I only cried once or twice during my stay there and it was probably because of something Caleb said to me. I was focused on the prize.
I'm sure this seems random, but thinking back to last year is really emotional for me. There was so much going on, but at the same time, we were just waiting. No one knew what was to come and I guess that is the miracle of having babies..especially multiples. God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine. Mark was saying tonight how the past year has gone by so fast and it has, but at the same time Mark and I have grown so much as a couple it is amazing. I guess it is sink or swim and we must have swam our butts off because I feel like we are closer now and more of a team than ever before.
Our house is destroyed daily daily by the cutest babies in the world. I pick up so they can destroy it again, it is a fun game...really.
Last year at this point I had been in the hospital for 27 days and had no idea what would happen. Each day I inched closer and closer to a safer zone, but still I was like a time bomb. My friend Sam sent me a care package from FL and it had valentines decorations in it and we decorated my room on Superbowl Sunday. I never knew how long I would be there so decorating was always a big step. It was sort of a commitment to say that I would still be there on that day and I was. Valentines came and went and Mark had to find me St. Patricks day decorations. It was a good feeling and I remember feeling strong at that point. I didn't mind being there. Don't get me wrong, I felt like I was missing out on the world outside and especially my family, but I knew deep down where I needed to be. It was hard for me to relax and do what I was supposed to do in the 'outside' world so I was stuck. The monitoring was nice and I knew that everyone inside was safe inside me for more days. I looked forward to visits from friends and family and especially good reports from the doctors and nurses. Believe it or not I was working hard laying in that bed. A different sort of job if you will. I had to be mentally strong and I think I pulled it off. Deep down, I was scared to death, but I also knew that I could do it and did not want small sick babies. It was always nice to see Sr. Laverne Wester every Monday morning excited to see that I was still there. I could have cried every day, but I didn't and I think I only cried once or twice during my stay there and it was probably because of something Caleb said to me. I was focused on the prize.
I'm sure this seems random, but thinking back to last year is really emotional for me. There was so much going on, but at the same time, we were just waiting. No one knew what was to come and I guess that is the miracle of having babies..especially multiples. God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine. Mark was saying tonight how the past year has gone by so fast and it has, but at the same time Mark and I have grown so much as a couple it is amazing. I guess it is sink or swim and we must have swam our butts off because I feel like we are closer now and more of a team than ever before.
Our house is destroyed daily daily by the cutest babies in the world. I pick up so they can destroy it again, it is a fun game...really.
Caleb seems to be getting older and older by the minute. We have been working on his letters a lot and he is making great strides. He loves when people come over and we have had people over a couple of weekends in a row for Sunday dinner which included uncle Pete's b-day and Grandma K's b-day. He also had Caiden spend the night and can't wait for him to stay again.
The snow has been a HUGE hit and he has really enjoyed that...when he is able to get out. Mark has been to 'go to' guy here and luckily that has worked out. I have only had to go out in the snow during a couple of nap times. Playing on the deck has sufficed him which is fine with me because it is cold out there!! He really wants the snow to come up to the bottom of his window so he can make a tunnel out. He is also still on a mission to get his mermaid from the ocean.

The snow has been a HUGE hit and he has really enjoyed that...when he is able to get out. Mark has been to 'go to' guy here and luckily that has worked out. I have only had to go out in the snow during a couple of nap times. Playing on the deck has sufficed him which is fine with me because it is cold out there!! He really wants the snow to come up to the bottom of his window so he can make a tunnel out. He is also still on a mission to get his mermaid from the ocean.
CiCi Lou Lou...and daddy
Cecilia definitely loves her daddy more and more these days and whenever he is around they are like two peas in a pod. Sickening some days, but that is is little baby girl and since he only has one, I guess he feels like he has to spoil her ALREADY.
Here they are hanging out on the couch. Of course she wants to drink his coffee, and surprisingly she is actually sitting still on the couch. She loves to be on the couch and walks along it most of the time. I also like this picture because it shows her one big top tooth. Her 4th tooth finally popped through, so she has two bottom and two top teeth. The top ones are on the side so it just looks different. Cohen had the fangs since they both came in at the same time, but she has only had the one side tooth so we are not sure what to think of it.
Cecilia is still not walking, but standing independently pretty often. She is very vocal when someone takes something she has and can spot a cell phone, cordless phone or remote from across the room and must have it, similar to Cohen. Its funny how they know to hold the phone up to their ear and Mark gets called often. It amazes me that not only can they get my phone unlocked, but call and put it on speakerphone. I have to say though that our phone is off the hook a lot these days.
Here they are hanging out on the couch. Of course she wants to drink his coffee, and surprisingly she is actually sitting still on the couch. She loves to be on the couch and walks along it most of the time. I also like this picture because it shows her one big top tooth. Her 4th tooth finally popped through, so she has two bottom and two top teeth. The top ones are on the side so it just looks different. Cohen had the fangs since they both came in at the same time, but she has only had the one side tooth so we are not sure what to think of it.
Cecilia is still not walking, but standing independently pretty often. She is very vocal when someone takes something she has and can spot a cell phone, cordless phone or remote from across the room and must have it, similar to Cohen. Its funny how they know to hold the phone up to their ear and Mark gets called often. It amazes me that not only can they get my phone unlocked, but call and put it on speakerphone. I have to say though that our phone is off the hook a lot these days.
Christian is as sweet as ever. He has been a little under the weather lately, and actually had an ear infection as of last Friday. He, like the others have not been interested in their bottles, but I hope it is just from the snotty noses. He still has 7 teeth and stands for long periods of time on his own, but has yet to take those first steps. Caleb still says that Christian is his favorite and that is his best buddy. Christian loves to sleep on the pillow frog that Caleb had originally given to Cohen. Once Cohen was no longer interested in it, it was passed to Christian who loves it. It has been nice since he has been stuffy to prop him up on it, but even if we do not, he always ends up moving to lay on it anyway.
Christian favors me over Mark a little and tonight he would not go to Mark. I only point this out since he is the ONLY one right now that actually wants me when Mark is present. It feels good to be loved, especially when the other 3 kids in the house are hanging on someone else :)

Christian favors me over Mark a little and tonight he would not go to Mark. I only point this out since he is the ONLY one right now that actually wants me when Mark is present. It feels good to be loved, especially when the other 3 kids in the house are hanging on someone else :)
Christian with Cohen in the background
Triple threat..Cohen
Cohen is a little thief these days. He hoards and steals everything and most days he likes to throw all of it down the steps. Whenever phones and remotes are missing I always look on the stairs. It is amazing that they still work. On this pic he has the horn, and both remotes and is truly in his 'element'.
Cohen has been walking like Frankenstein for about a week now and every day he gets better. He can even get into a standing position from squatting without any help. He really still loves balls and today he actually kicked the ball. Yes, we have it on video since he can barely walk and is trying to kick the soccer ball. Mark of course is so excited but at the same time we are truly amazed at his natural ability and draw to the ball and now kicking. Mark was holding him and kicking the ball around the other day and we guess that is where he got the idea from. He laughs hysterically when Mark 'plays soccer' when he is holding him.
Cohen still has 6 teeth and seems to be the bully of the bunch. He is obviously on the move and lately he has been very clingy to Mark. Mark of course loves it when the babies hang on him.

Cohen has been walking like Frankenstein for about a week now and every day he gets better. He can even get into a standing position from squatting without any help. He really still loves balls and today he actually kicked the ball. Yes, we have it on video since he can barely walk and is trying to kick the soccer ball. Mark of course is so excited but at the same time we are truly amazed at his natural ability and draw to the ball and now kicking. Mark was holding him and kicking the ball around the other day and we guess that is where he got the idea from. He laughs hysterically when Mark 'plays soccer' when he is holding him.
Cohen still has 6 teeth and seems to be the bully of the bunch. He is obviously on the move and lately he has been very clingy to Mark. Mark of course loves it when the babies hang on him.
A Day in the Life cont.
So I guess in the interest of time I forgot to mention that I do eat breakfast, lunch and dinner on my original post. I may be standing, but I do eat I figured I had better clarify since I have withered away to nothing, but I do eat and most of the time it is quite a bit. All this work makes me hungry and I need to keep up my energy for these kids!!
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