Monday, February 15, 2010

Time passes so quickly...

I can't believe it, but the time is already here. I have to actually plan birthdays for 4 kids!!

Last year at this point I had been in the hospital for 27 days and had no idea what would happen. Each day I inched closer and closer to a safer zone, but still I was like a time bomb. My friend Sam sent me a care package from FL and it had valentines decorations in it and we decorated my room on Superbowl Sunday. I never knew how long I would be there so decorating was always a big step. It was sort of a commitment to say that I would still be there on that day and I was. Valentines came and went and Mark had to find me St. Patricks day decorations. It was a good feeling and I remember feeling strong at that point. I didn't mind being there. Don't get me wrong, I felt like I was missing out on the world outside and especially my family, but I knew deep down where I needed to be. It was hard for me to relax and do what I was supposed to do in the 'outside' world so I was stuck. The monitoring was nice and I knew that everyone inside was safe inside me for more days. I looked forward to visits from friends and family and especially good reports from the doctors and nurses. Believe it or not I was working hard laying in that bed. A different sort of job if you will. I had to be mentally strong and I think I pulled it off. Deep down, I was scared to death, but I also knew that I could do it and did not want small sick babies. It was always nice to see Sr. Laverne Wester every Monday morning excited to see that I was still there. I could have cried every day, but I didn't and I think I only cried once or twice during my stay there and it was probably because of something Caleb said to me. I was focused on the prize.

I'm sure this seems random, but thinking back to last year is really emotional for me. There was so much going on, but at the same time, we were just waiting. No one knew what was to come and I guess that is the miracle of having babies..especially multiples. God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine. Mark was saying tonight how the past year has gone by so fast and it has, but at the same time Mark and I have grown so much as a couple it is amazing. I guess it is sink or swim and we must have swam our butts off because I feel like we are closer now and more of a team than ever before.

Our house is destroyed daily daily by the cutest babies in the world. I pick up so they can destroy it again, it is a fun game...really.

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