Monday, February 22, 2010


Today was a big day for the babies, we went shoe shopping!! Since Cohen is walking everywhere I figured it was time to get them. He wasn't so sure about them at first, but got the hang of it right away. Christian is not a fan. He kicks them off all of the time and curls his toes making it difficult to put them on...which is probably why they fall off so easily. Cecilia didn't seem to care either way. She was more interested in the sales people gooing over her. Now, the question is was Velcro a smart idea. I thought so at first because the idea of tying and untying shoes all day long would be miserable, but then on the way home I could hear them playing with the Velcro. This should be interesting!!

I am actually looking forward to all of them walking. It will be so nice this spring to not have to worry about them crawling everywhere outside. Spring can't get here fast enough!!

Christian size 4.5, Cecilia size 4, Cohen size 5

I would have taken a pic of all of them in the shoes, but trying to get that would have been a joke :)

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