Sunday, February 28, 2010


This weekend was a great one and surprisingly we really did not have a whole lot going on. Today I was honored to be the Godmother to Owen Yu, my friends Michele and Adrian's newest little addition to thier family. I am the Godmother to 3 kids now and could not be more proud.

We had to move the furniture around in our living room earlier this week because the babies were getting on the couch and there was concern with them falling over the back and down the steps. With moving the furniture we need to move our tv and components and so we took a trip to the furniture store. Because it was so nice we had talked about going for a walk but ran out of time. Caleb really wanted to go for a walk and usually when he wants to do that he has an ulterior motive. Today he wanted to go to Walgreen's to replace his whoopee cushion that he had popped a week or so ago.

We ran out of time to do the walk and visit the furniture store so we just drove to walgreens and let Caleb get his whoopee cushion. Surprisingly they were on sale 3 for 3.98 and they are regularly 3.99 each. What a deal!! You might night think so, but these are not just your ordinary whoopee cushions, they are refillable one so you never have to blow them back up which is a bonus.

So, I'm not sure if it was a smart decision or not, but we went to walgreens first and then weekends only furniture and someone had some serious gas the entire time we were there. I thought it was hilarious, Mark seemed annoyed and the other people in the store weren't sure what to think.

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