Thursday, September 24, 2009
Rock and Rollin'
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sitting big
On a side note all of my recent pictures have red eye and I don't know why...very annoying, but I am going to have to recheck my settings.
Big Helper
6 months old!!!
We are so incredibly blessed to have such beautiful babies. At 6 months they are laughing, smiling, crying, rolling, scooting, growing teeth, eating cereal and veggies, sort of sitting up and are getting SO big and fun. Everything a normal term baby should be doing at this point.
Now.....if we survive the next 6 months with more of their teeth coming in, crawling and walking we will be good. Stay tuned.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Apple pie
Caleb is a really good carrot peeler. We made baby food the other day and he peeled almost all 5lbs of the carrots. I thought he would be able to do the apples but they were a lot harder to get started and since they are round a little harder for him to hold onto so he opted to slice.
Balloon Glow
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What's new in the world of babies
They are all rolling around the room. Cecilia is the most active followed by Christian and the Cohen rolls around, but he is pretty content staying where you put him. When they are on their bellies, they are all pushing up and pulling their knees towards their bellies (especially Cecilia) so I'm sure they will be crawling before long (scary, I know). I am going to pick up my superyard gate tomorrow but I still have a LOT of childproofing before they can venture out into the house. I think every toy Caleb has is a choking hazard
They are all definitely teething and drum roll please......Christian's first tooth popped through the gums on Sunday morning. Can we just fast forward to when they are all in?? Just kidding, it is my lack of sleep speaking up there.
Cecilia likes to stick out her tongue and chuckles a lot; Christian admires his hands a lot while spitting and blowing raspberries; Cohen found and likes to hold on to his feed, is starting to giggle/laugh out loud a lot more and of course smiley smiles all of the time.
They have been eating cereal since they were about 4 months old and seem to be doing well with it. I started making baby food for them and today they had veggies for the first time. Peas were on the menu. Cohen hated them and was making awful faces, Christian couldn't get enough and Cecilia just liked them ok. I only have green beans, peaches (which are very yummy), bananas and pears made so I need to get to work on some more veggies.
Monday Outing
Morning cartoons
Typical day
Here is a morning that they were all so tired from their middle of the night activities they fell back asleep after their morning feeding. Yes, it is getting a little crowded when they are all in the crib together. So they are still fed every 4 hours from that morning feeding and I am still pumping so they get 50/50 my milk and formula. Caleb is home with us every day now except for Fridays when he is with my mom and T-Th afternoons when he is at school. The hardest part of my day is juggling the babies and Caleb. The babies are demanding more attention and Caleb needs a lot too so it is sometimes a power struggle. We manage to survive and with the help of others life is a little easier some days and a little harder others.
Labor Day
Labor day always seems like the end of summer even though there are warm days left it is usually the last time everyone is together at the lake until Memorial day. Once we are at the lake we never want to leave which I guess it why we stayed an extra day at the last minute. Even after all of those days, we were still sad to leave and Caleb even said that he wanted to stay until Christmas so he could ice skate on the lake and then we could come home. Below are some pics.