Saturday, September 19, 2009

Balloon Glow

Friday night Caleb and I went to the Balloon Glow in forest Park with Jen, Mya and Abigail (next door neighbors). Mark and the babies were originally going to go and then we decided that it might be better for them to stay home. The trek to get to the glow is up and down hills that would have been a bear to push 3 babies and a stroller through, not to mention all of the bottles, formula, etc. I tell everyone he chickened out, but really I was on board with them not going as soon as he mentioned it. We got there early this year and were able to watch all of the balloons being blown up which Caleb just loved. He of course also spotted the vendors first off and wanted a sword. He and I were not in agreement with his listening skills that evening so the sword was delayed until pretty close to the end of the evening. We had a great time and Caleb fell asleep on the way home which is always a sign of a good time.

Caleb and Andi
Mya and Caleb

Jen and Abigail

CAleb and the coolest sword EVER!!

1 comment:

Mom Mc said...

I tried to talk my hubby into going that day but he was not in the mood. Glad you had a good time. Gramma Mc