Sunday, November 15, 2009


After the babies eat, there are usually some lingering puffs/cheerios on the floor. What happens is that they try to eat them and half fall into their lap so when I pick them up some fall onto the floor. This is when a dog would come in handy and if we had one it would be fat from all of the food that is dropped on the floor. Now that the kids can crawl they follow me into the kitchen all of the time and I have to say that we need more gates. I was looking for something in the pantry the other day and Cecilia and Cohen were pulling things out and one of then opened the bag of pretzels and the other was pulling stuff down too, it was funny and in the end I found what I was looking for so we were all happy.

I do still give them puffs. One, since I still have some and two they are nice since I do not have to worry SO much about them choking on then. I took these pictures yesterday morning. Christian was determined to climb over Cohen to get a puff. Cohen didn't seem to mind and actually thought it was funny since he had the hammer. You can see the puff in Christian's mouth and his excitement from reaching it.

Cecilia had ripped one of Caleb's pictures off the refrigerator and was playing with that.

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