Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day

Today was such a nice day. We hosted thanksgiving at our house this year and my dad, grandparents, Jason, Sarah, Emma, Logan and Marks mom came over. I sort of cheated because I mixed up everything last night so all I had to do was pop it in the oven or throw it in a bowl. The only thing I really had to do was make the gravy and carve the turkey. I discovered make ahead mashed potato's that were awesome!! Anyway, Mark got up early this morning and put the bird in the oven so that it would be done by our feasting time of noon. We ate early since my brother and Sarah were going to her family's for dinner. It made sense either way since the babies are so much happier in the earlier part of the day. 5pm would have been really hard to do so I was happy with the timing. I pumped at 10:30, the babies ate at 11 and we ate at 12. I think I am still full. It is always so nice to be with family!!

This was actually my second turkey dinner that I made this week. Mark did some work for an elderly couple and decided he wanted to take them dinner. I'm still not sure what was so special about this couple, but thought it was so sweet and generous. Mark has a huge heart and I am really proud of him.

I think the holidays, especially thanksgiving have a little different meaning this year for us. I know that I have been a little sappy lately thinking back to last year and how I was feeling. I was so completely exhausted from the minute I woke up in the morning. It was a struggle to bend over, walk up stairs or really do anything normal. I went on as any mom would trying to participate and make my time special with Caleb, but some days I don't know what I was thinking. I even raked leaves last fall, how stupid was that!! If at any point in my life have I ever had more of an excuse to just sit and do nothing? In addition to the physical exhaustion, there was also the stress of what was ahead. I knew the possibilities and I feared hospitalization, and worried about the health babies but in the end we all survived.

This year I have raked leaves just about every week and felt good! I can play and run and have fun without worry and most of all I know that I have 4 beautiful babies and a wonderful husband to fill my holiday season and all of the year for the rest of my life. I know I have said it before and I will say it again that we have so much to be thankful for.

Soon after everyone left Mark and I decided to start decorating for Christmas. Caleb has been anxious for this for months and has been surprisingly patient. Right now Caleb has turned all of the lights off in the basement except for the tree and the lights on the train (and computer screen). Last year I remember his laying with me on the couch, both of our bellies hanging out and just watching the train for a long time. It seems to have a calming effect on him....hmm, maybe we should keep it out all year (he he). Tomorrow will be another day as I am sure the babies will love to try and chase the train, eat it and pull up on the tree. Thank goodness we have the superyard gate.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Beautiful post! I remember when you made us a thanksgiving feast in college for no other reason except that "it shouldn't be enjoyed just once a year." I'm also feeling very sentimental laterly and keep saying, "a year ago, blah blah..." Amazing how much can change. XOXO! Someday we'll have to celebrate thanksgiving together, but we made need a couple big turkeys to feed our families!