Friday, October 23, 2009
Screaming Eagle
During Fright Fest we got there early and had the place to ourselves to we rode the mine train about 6 or 7 times which he loved and I think was much more appropriate for his age. Mark wanted to go on the screaming eagle with him so I said I would go, but I would not sit with him. I think Mark too was scared about half way through, but once again Caleb did fine. He said it made his belly hurt, but he liked it. I was a fun evening and this picture was taken after his second screamin' eagle ride of the season.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Family Photos

Recently he realized that we will allow him to double dip at bedtime. He gets me to read him two books and then he says he needs one more and that daddy should read it to him. Little does he know that he always got 3 books before now we just get to split our time. I am still the better negotiator (or so I think :))!!
How could we be more proud of him, he is the most amazing big brother and absolutely adores the babies. He is very proud of him and tells everyone that he has 3 babies. They are so crazy about him, I don't know what they would do without his entertainment. Their faces light up when he enters the room and they follow his every move.
He is in his second year of preschool and loves it. It is so hard to believe that he will be going to kindergarten next year. They grow up so fast.
Christian was the first to get his teeth and is generally a very happy guy. He, like Caleb at this age is getting so thick and feels so heavy when you pick him up. He is by far the messiest eater. He likes to put his hands in his mouth and of course when feeding 3 I can't constantly watch him so he get food all over his hands and then his sleeve and then he of course has to touch someone else and then it gets in someones get the drift. Most recently he has been blowing bubbles into his bottles and thinks it is pretty funny. He recently discovered that sleeping on his belly is much nicer than his back. He is up and rocking here and there, but doesn't appear to be too interested in going anywhere just yet.
As her nicknames suggest she is the sassy one. She lets all of us know what is going on and if she is happy about it or not. She was very vocal for awhile and had developed a very high pitch squeal. It had gone away for awhile once she learned to dive her way across the room but for some reason it returned today. She loves to jump and is always on the go! She is a woman in control and her favorite toys are the telephone, remote and small (about the length of her) wooden bat of Caleb's. She is most inquisitive and was in to everything even before she was crawling. Her chuckle is hilarious and makes everyone laugh. I think it all has something to do with the red hair!!


Monday, October 19, 2009
She did it!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I am happy to announce that we survived and as of this evening no one else is sick. I have been lysoling and sanitizing toys like crazy but I guess it has worked. Cohen had his moments, but he was such a good boy. I think he was struggling with his teeth more so than anything. His first tooth popped out last weekend and another one is ready to pop out any minute.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Check up
Cecilia weighed in at 13lbs 10 oz and is 25.25 inches long. She grew quite a bit in length over the past two months but is still our little petite girl (with chubby thighs). The doctor was surprised that she is almost crawling. We thought she would have been doing it by now, but she still has not gotten the arm thing down. She can get to where she is going by moving her legs and throwing herself forward.
Cohen weighed in at 16lbs 2 oz and is 26.75 inches long. We did notice that he has tooth ready to pop through so any day he will have one.
Christian weighed in at 16lbs 15oz and is 25.5 inches long. He has been pretty steady with his growth and doing well. Big guy still has just two teeth, but I swear there are more that are going to show up any day.
Caleb was at the appointment and was very reassuring to the babies and kept asking when they were going to get their shots. He wanted to get prizes for them :) He was also happy to know that he was not getting any shots today. He originally was going to get his flu shot today but they did not have the shot for his age in yet. We have to go back in a month from now for the babies flu shot booster so Caleb will get his then. I guess they will all get their H1N1 shot then too as long as it is in.