The big brother and my big baby. I keep telling him that even though he is getting bigger he will always be my baby. Of course he argues with me about it, but he knows. Most days I think 'Why me?' I am with him all day, he chooses not to listen to me most of the time, we argue, negotiate, have fun and yet he still insists that I wipe his butt 'EVERY DAY!' (if you know Caleb this is one of his saying for a lot). He also only wants me to read him stories, shampoo his hair, wash his body and brush his teeth. Can a girl get a break?? You would think that without seeing Mark all day long he would want him to wipe his butt, but NO!! Then when I see the sad look on his face I usually give in and deep down inside I have that mommy pride and know that he loves me. And then there are other day when he is all about Mark and that makes me feel good too because he loves his daddy.
Recently he realized that we will allow him to double dip at bedtime. He gets me to read him two books and then he says he needs one more and that daddy should read it to him. Little does he know that he always got 3 books before now we just get to split our time. I am still the better negotiator (or so I think :))!!
How could we be more proud of him, he is the most amazing big brother and absolutely adores the babies. He is very proud of him and tells everyone that he has 3 babies. They are so crazy about him, I don't know what they would do without his entertainment. Their faces light up when he enters the room and they follow his every move.
He is in his second year of preschool and loves it. It is so hard to believe that he will be going to kindergarten next year. They grow up so fast.

1 comment:
He is such a sweet brother, we miss him!
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