Friday, October 23, 2009


As many of us already know Caleb is the king of band-aids. He loves then and magically they fix EVERYTHING. He is somewhat strange in that he prefers the plain ones opposed to the character ones. He will wear a band-aid until it falls off or we make him take it off. My new rule is that he has to get a new band-aid after bath time which is usually a huge fight and then once the band-aid is off he realizes that there is nothing there anyway and it is no longer necessary. Today his lip got hurt this morning so he wore a band-aid on his face all day. When Mark sees him doing this he gets really mad so I decided to make light of the situation. He of course would not take it off at bedtime so I could not resist taking these photos of him fast asleep. He loved the mustache!! I think it will magically disappear by morning though :)

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