Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Check up

Today was the babies 6th month check up and they all did really well. They received 4 vaccines, 3 of them were shots and 1 was a liquid. No tears were shed until they got the flu shot. Mark and I both got our flu shots the other night and our arms were really sore the whole next day so we are really sympathetic to this one. All of them are growing appropriately and are developmentally on track for their age and in some cases ahead of the game (developmentally) since they are triplets and were premature. The good news is that he said we can switch to regular formula when we run out of the special stuff (I have enough to last another month or so) and that I no longer need to wake them after they go to bed at 8 for a late night feeding-YEAH!!

Cecilia weighed in at 13lbs 10 oz and is 25.25 inches long. She grew quite a bit in length over the past two months but is still our little petite girl (with chubby thighs). The doctor was surprised that she is almost crawling. We thought she would have been doing it by now, but she still has not gotten the arm thing down. She can get to where she is going by moving her legs and throwing herself forward.

Cohen weighed in at 16lbs 2 oz and is 26.75 inches long. We did notice that he has tooth ready to pop through so any day he will have one.

Christian weighed in at 16lbs 15oz and is 25.5 inches long. He has been pretty steady with his growth and doing well. Big guy still has just two teeth, but I swear there are more that are going to show up any day.

Caleb was at the appointment and was very reassuring to the babies and kept asking when they were going to get their shots. He wanted to get prizes for them :) He was also happy to know that he was not getting any shots today. He originally was going to get his flu shot today but they did not have the shot for his age in yet. We have to go back in a month from now for the babies flu shot booster so Caleb will get his then. I guess they will all get their H1N1 shot then too as long as it is in.

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