Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The lake..take two

We had not been able to make it back to the Lake of the Ozarks since memorial day and were getting a bit frustrated. So last week things fell into place so that we were able to not only go, but leave early on Friday and not come back until Monday. The extra added bonus was that almost the whole family was there with us. We have yet to be there by ourselves since the triplets were born and I'm sure we could do it but it is so nice to have the extra hands and eyes around especially for Caleb. At home Mark or I can handle the babies but at the lake many time we both need to be with them and Caleb's agenda is not always the same.

This weekend seemed to be so much more relaxing than memorial day was. I guess it is because we got over the hump of not knowing what it would be like with all 4 kids and are past the nervousness of it all. The babies seem to do really well with big groups and on the boat they just sit and chill. The boys in particular love to drive with Mark but someone is usually always standing looking out at the waves and water. It was a hot one so we were sure to have a cooler full of ice for them to play in and eat and all was well. Caleb spent a lot of time in the water and fishing. Grandpa put some steps into the water from the grass so the kids like to walk into the water and swim around to the ladder. I enjoyed driving the boat while Jacob and his friend tubed. It was fun to try to knock them off and I was successful two times. I decided to tube after they were done and 3 days later was still sore from it and I don't think I had nearly as rough ride as they did.

Caleb seems to really appreciate his time at the lake. This year on boat rides I have caught him relaxing in the back of the boat. This is the good life!!

Caleb, Caiden, Preston and Nolan

Our chore this weekend was to get a picture of all of the grand kids regardless of whether they were screaming or not. Lots of pics were taken and I think this was the best of the worst.

All 10 Gardner Grand kids : Jacob, Caleb, Cohen, Caiden, Cecilia, Nolan, Christian, Aliyah, Preston and Noah
Daddy and his helpers, Christian and Cohen

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