Saturday, July 10, 2010

slip n slide

Who doesn't love a slip n slide?? Caleb got a spider man slip n slide for his birthday so I pulled it out for the kids to play with. Obviously the babies don't really know how to actually slide but they loved the water that sprayed on them and the pool where the water gathered at the end.

It was a typical weekend day so Mya, Jen and Abigail came over from next door to play as well. This time was different though because I decided that it would be a good idea to slide...yeah, not so much. I think I knocked the wind out of myself when I hit the hard ground. Jen was nice enough to grab my camera and capture the moment and thankfully she did because I don't know that it will happen again anytime soon. Once was enough for awhile.

Cohen and Cecilia walking the slide and Caleb ducking at the end.
Crazy lady on the slide


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