Saturday, July 10, 2010

Memorial the lake

Memorial Day always seems to be the official beginning of summer and lake time. This year was no different and we were prepared with large gates. You never know what to expect on trips with kids and they were great. We decided to put all of the babies, Caleb and one parent in the bottom room since it has such easy access to everything. This is the room that we have slept in for quite awhile, but we really have outgrown the small room and double bed. Caleb really claims this as his room and always wants to sleep there too.

Caleb is always great at the lake mostly because he LOVES it there. He has become quite a little fisherman this year and can even put his own worm on the hook and take the fish off sometimes. He loves to swim and even jumped off Eifferts dock (two story) with Mark. He's done it before which is still a total surprise to me since he still won't go down the slide on our dock. We hardly hear a peep out of him since he is so occupied with swimming, fishing and playing with his cousins. With most things we do not it always seems that we miss out on our time with him since the babies demand so much. Thankfully we have great family support and he is really good about understanding what the babies need. Our 100% Caleb time is during naps and after 7pm when the babies go to bed.

Babies.....They were all great. I came prepared with two large gates so that we could make a large yard area for them to play in that was safe. AS it turned out we really didn't need them, but it was nice to know they were there just in case. They all took their turns enjoying the view from the front of the boat, but Cohen seemed to be the most excited about the wind in his face. We really went from nap time to the boat for a ride. They played in the sprinkler one day and were ok with that. We put the boys in the water to swim, but they both screamed the whole time.

All in all it was a great weekend. Just getting over the hump of traveling with tons of stuff for just a weekend is the hardest part.

Christian and Mark
Caiden, Nolan and Caleb


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