Sunday, July 11, 2010

This is what it has come to....

Its no secret that we breed monkeys here at the Gardner house. Caleb scaled the pantry to get to the hidden treats at a very early age and the triplets are not going to be any exception to that rule. Most recently they have been climbing on the kitchen table. We had been doing our best to keep the chairs pushed in until Cohen and crew figured out how to move the chairs out and over to what they want. What they want is to get whatever is on the counter, in the sink and on the stove, most of which is dangerous.

Today was the last straw. I decided to make bacon and was SO looking forward to a BLT sandwich for lunch. I needed to run to the store and when I got back there was no back and guess who ate it?? Mark admitted to having some, but the rest was eaten by the little monkeys.

Mark and I discussed it and we needed to take further action. The plan was at nap time for me to go back to Lowes for bungee cords. According to Mark I got the fancy kind but I was worried about them getting hooked on the regular ones. Plus, the ones I got would be easy to unhook so that we could let Caleb in and out of his chair easily. The straps did not go so well....for some of us.

Cohen very upset about the straps on the chair.

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