Friday, October 17, 2008

Catch Up

As you can see I am trying to play catch up. I will post some pictures as soon as I have them scanned. Now that I am pregnant with triplets, it brings into play a whole new lingo that I was not aware of in the past. Caleb is known as a singleton and I am pregnant with higher order multiples. And once you know what the sexes of the babies are, you will be categorized into BBG, GGB, BBB or GGG, B standing for boy and G standing for Girl. Not hard to figure out, I must admit, but definitely not anything I was in tune to before. And.....we will be finding out what the babies are as soon as they are able to tell. I was hoping at my next appointment on the 28th, but I think I will just be a week or so shy of being able to tell. If not then, I have another appointment in 4 weeks and they will for sure be able to tell then. I think it is two girls and a boy, but who knows and who cares as long as they are healthy...but we are hoping for at least 1 girl! The other thing is are they identical or fraternal? The babies growing inside me are all fraternal, meaning they all are living in their own sack and have their own placenta. This scenario is optimal since indenticals share a sack and placenta which makes it a little riskier. The odds of having identical triplets are one in 200 million! Believe it or not there were actually two couples in NY that had identicals, one set was born in March and the other was born last Friday.

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