Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mark decides to chime in....

After reading previous entries by a certain some one I won't mention, I decided it was about time to chime in. First of all, in case the cyber world is wondering, I'm doing great. Andi goes to bed early which allows me to enjoy the man room downstairs and a couple of drinks. Yes, It turned into drama searching for the superman cape for the party. It was under the covers at the foot of my bed. Andi has no clue what I went through to find it. There was no way Caleb was going to let us go without finding it. There was also NO WAY Andi would have let me live it down. I'm not sure who would of been worse to deal with, a crying 3 year old or a triple hormonal pregnant wife. I had to get the job done. Well I don't want to go on to long. Just a note . This holiday season I will be launching the movie trailer for the new babies. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I love it when the hubbys chime in!