Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No charge!

So, I have had my current camera for about 6 months and the inevitable happened this charger is missing! If you do not know my track record with cameras, it has not been great. This has been my third camera in about 2 years. The one prior to the current camera was given to me at Christmas last year and lost at Caleb's birthday party just 3 months later. It was a tragic day and I am still very upset about it. This incident on the other hand was not so tragic, just frustrating. Since my camera is so new, they did not sell chargers at the store to replace the one I lost. I had to go online and order a new one and fortunately they were able to get it to me quickly (for a fee of course). I was happy to see the little box outside our door this evening when I returned from work with the precious words Panasonic. You can't imagine how hard it is to have this blog now and not have a digital camera. I actually had to go and buy a throw away camera on Tuesday so I could take pictures of Caleb's first field trip, which by the way was a really good time. We went to the pumpkin patch and he got to ride the bus there and was REALLY excited. As soon as I get those developed and a disc, I will upload some photos, provided any of them turned out. Hard to tell when there is no little screen, but kind of exciting at the same time! Battery on charger at 5pm fully charged and ready to go by 7pm. Back in business......this is the boy's finishing up carving the pumpkin.

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