Monday, October 20, 2008

Still working out the issues with the photos of the babies. Julie scanned them for me, but something is not right with them so I will have to find a plan B. I have called in the back up (Sam) just in case I can not figure it out tonight but there was no need too. Check out the belly. This is at 12 weeks, but on Friday I was measuring 15 weeks. 3 babies so I guess that adds 3 extra weeks??
So, I am starting to wonder if I am really pregnant and not just going through puberty or both. When I was in puberty I do not think I had this many problems with my complexion. Now, if you looked at me you might not be able to tell because they are the blemishes that are under the skin that are just downright painful. Oh, and that 'pregnancy glow' which I like to refer to as my blotchy cheeks is not boding well either. I guess I should consider myself lucky. If this is all I have to complain about out of 12 weeks other than being tired.
Anyway, we had a really great weekend. We had a bonfire at our house on Saturday night and it was a lot of fun. This time it was a little more even as the adult to kid ratio was 23:14. I had planned on taking lots of pics, but I only took two and they were before everyone even showed up. It always amazes me how the time flies when we have people over and then the next day I think to myself did I even talk to everyone? Things seem so hectic, but I guess it might have to do with chasing my singleton aka Caleb around to make sure he was being a good host to all of his friends. This is the picture of Mark and Caleb roasting a hot dog early in the evening. Caleb continued to check on the fire all night and even twice yesterday. Thanks to Mark's Aunt Lisa we got a new disciple book that is apparently a awesome. I am only on chapter 2 but dying to get to the rest of it. So far what they tell me is that this book will help people who have tried everything else and nothing is working. After Caleb's performance in Target Saturday morning I am ready to try anything. Mark is most excited about providing him tickets at bedtime. Apparently this is in some part of the book even though he has not read it. So last night he was given 3 tickets. These were not just any tickets, but Rams game tickets, probably preseason or something. Caleb was very excited about them, however I don't think he has the concept yet or he would not have liked them so much. The though is that he can only ask for 3 things once he is in bed, whether it be water or another hug or needing to tell a secret to one of us, etc. He turned in one right away so I could lay down with him for 5 minutes and when I was in there he decided that he needed to mail one and that the mail man needed to pick it up. He put it on the floor at the end of his bed and then the mail man (aka daddy) was summonsed. Unfortunately, the mail man was in the shower so he had to wait. Then, he decided that he was going to use his ticket to go to the rams game next week and he was 'so excited'. When my 5 minutes was up he needed to tell me a secret and so on. He finally went to bed at some point. Not sure though, since I was busy ready my new book. Can't wait to see what bedtime will bring tonight!

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