Wednesday, December 30, 2009
snow day
Sunday, December 27, 2009
9 months!!
Christian should have been singing all I want for Christmas is my 4 front teeth. This past week he has managed to get in all 4 of his top teeth. Much to my surprise he has been a trooper. He whimpers in his sleep and I guess that is why, but really no major complaints. He is pulling up on everything including me and as sweet as ever. He likes to eat but prefers to feed himself. Sometimes this is not really efficient, but we are working on it. It seems that when we spoon feed him he spits it out which may have to do with all of his teeth coming in.
Cecilia- Little miss Cecilia :) She is still as petite as ever, but as cute as a button. Everyone lately has been commenting on her hemangioma. It has been fading quite a bit and we hope to be off the medication by the time she is 1. Last appointment even though her weight increased they kept her dose the same so that was a good sign . She has been working on her teeth as well and as of today has one fang on the right hand side (along with her two bottom teeth). There are more coming, but they have not broken through yet. She has been pulling up and standing independently for quite awhile now. She smiles and even bounces when she lets go of things, but is not really 'cruising' around anything just yet. She just recently graduated to 6-9 month clothing so I think she had a growth spurt. She has been hungry these days and like Christian she too likes to feed herself, but will allow the spoon to enter her mouth occasionally. She seems to savor her food which makes me laugh. Maybe it is just a tactic so I will leave her alone and feed someone else, but she loves her o's along with everyone else. She doesn't miss her mouth much when feeding herself. She also loves to have her neck kissed. She even throws herself back when being held and laughs to get you to kiss her. Mark calls her Cici Lou Whoo since it has been Christmas time and we watch the Grinch that Stole Christmas with all of the Whoo's
Cohen-Mr. Fang man. Cohen currently has his two bottom teeth and his top side teeth. We like to refer to them as his fangs as they are pretty far in and his front teeth are still not in. I have tried to get photos of them, but he never cooperates with me. He, like Cecilia is pulling up on everything and letting go for quite some time. He is moving around things just a bit and is our fastest crawler. Cohen would probably eat cardboard if I would put it on a spoon for him. He loves to be fed but has also taken a liking to feeding himself. There doesn't seem to be much left when he is finished which is good. He, unlike the rest of us, seems to be left handed. I think this comes from Mark's moms side of the family even though he looks like me. Mark calls him his little vampire.
All of the babies (and Caleb's) favorite pass time is taking a bath. Yes, all 4 of them like to take them together. They are like a herd of dogs coming when the water is turned on in the bathroom. No food is safe as they will attack, grab and eat whatever is available. They currently are eating lots of finger foods such as green beans, peas, carrots, peas, kiwi, bananas, pears, string cheese, American cheese, turkey, chicken, roast beef, O's and anything else they can get their hands on. I am still grinding up veggies/fruits and using what I already made with meat in it. Bottom line is that they are hungry!! The good thing is they are still eating their bottles along with all of the good stuff. Oh, and since the holidays I think they have convinced others to give them 'treats' that mommy and daddy would not normally give them.
Christmas Pics
Christmas Day!!
Caleb has always associated Christmas with snow and so as soon as he was done opening his presents he announced that he was going to check for snow. Mark and I as usual went into our explanation that snow as just a cold weather event when he screamed that it was snowing. mark and I looked at each other, said no way and had to check it out ourselves. Sure enough it was snowing!!!
Christmas Eve
Christmas #1
For some reason this year at Christmas my camera did not make it out much and when it did the pictures were not that great.
Caleb's Christmas Tale cont.
I was surprised and happy that Mark actually updated the blog. I bug him about it all the time but for some reason he just never does.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Caleb's Christmas Tale
Only days before Christmas, in the early morning,
Caleb awoke to a phone ringing.
Grandma Debbie called, to announce she is coming.
The excitement has brought Caleb to look out the door. In anticipation for when she is here. As he starred through the frosty glass, something caught his eye. A Reindeer was outside. "Mommy! Mommy!" he said. "A Reindeer is straight ahead!" "Ohhhh...OK Caleb." Mommy said. Caleb was persistent in what he saw. So Mommy walked over and what dropped her jaw.
A Rein-Deer in the neighbors Lawn. "Mommy! He dropped from his spot in Santa's sleigh up in the sky. He has to get back. He has to try." And then with a flash, the deer ran off between two houses in a dash.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Lil Rascals
This is the team in action today. Cecilia pulls back the curtain and Cohen tries to get in the tub but laughs when I call their names. Don't worry, the toilet was actually clean and hands were washed afterward! BTW-They all know they are up to something, especially Christian because he has Cohen's pacifier in his mouth!! We had fun today while Caleb was at school :)
Date Night
We surprised him by going to Steinberg's Ice skating rink in Forest Park. He was so excited!! Mark had taken him to an indoor rink when I was in the hospital, but that was quite awhile ago and plus I was not there that time :) We skated for awhile and he finally got the hang of it. Keep in mind that we went on a day when the high temp was 28 degrees so it was pretty cold. After awhile of skating we went in for hot coca and enjoyed some nachos.
After ice skating we went to Tilles park and drove through the 'light jungle'. It was so much fun to be out with Caleb and we hope that this may start a new tradition around Christmas with Caleb.
Funny Pic
Happy Birthday Logan & Aunt MaryJo
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Let me tell you, they are out in full force.
In addition to getting into everything they are constantly hanging on me. If I am standing they are hanging on my pant legs. If I am sitting I am being climbed on. Every stage seems to be a new and challenging stage and I think this is by far the hardest. They are like a heard of animals coming after me, climbing on me and begging for whatever we are eating. I need to lock them up more :)
But they are so damn cute!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Cohen has fangs. He does not have his top front teeth, but the side ones came in last week...yes, both of them in one week. His gums are still really swollen and red so I think the front ones are coming soon though.
Christian still only has his bottom teeth, but he is drooling SO bad. Hopefully something will come soon for him.
Cookies with Santa
Thanksgiving weekend
Saturday when we woke up Mark and I decided that we should go do something since the weather was supposed to be so nice. The first thing out of Caleb's mouth was the magic house and he insisted that we go there, so what the heck, we went. I had not been there in forever and love the beanstalk they have for the kids to climb. Here is Caleb climbing.
Christian, Cecilia and Cohen enjoying the outside of the ball pit.
Cohen and Christian