Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas #1

Christmas #1 is spent with my mom, Bill and their kids/kids kids. It is planned well in advance so that everyone can be there and is typically the weekend before Christmas. It is much more relaxing this way since it is one less stop we have to me on the actual day. WE get there after naps have wings/snacks, feed the kids and then let the kids open their gifts. Then, we break and the adult fill up on the traditional yummy fish soup. After we have stuffed ourselves silly we open our gifts. This year was no exception and all we received wonderful presents!! We asked for a family gift of a popcorn machine and man is it nice!! Caleb loves his race track and Zhu Zhu pet and the babies loved their choo choo wagon. Way too may presents to mention, but they were all great.

For some reason this year at Christmas my camera did not make it out much and when it did the pictures were not that great.
Caleb Cohen and Christian
Cohen, Cecilia & Logan, the choo choo wagon
Christian, Logan & Cecilia, Cohen

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