Thursday, December 17, 2009

Date Night

Mark and I took Caleb on a 'date night' this past Tuesday and it was so much fun. We did not tell him where we were going other than he would have to wear special shoes. He was excited and Mark and I were as well that it would just be the 3 of us. Agnes and Holly who watch the babies on Wednesday afternoon when I run to pick up Caleb from school offered to watch the babies and Caleb so that we could go out but we decided that we wanted to take Caleb out for a special night. We had not been out with just him in awhile so it was really fun.

We surprised him by going to Steinberg's Ice skating rink in Forest Park. He was so excited!! Mark had taken him to an indoor rink when I was in the hospital, but that was quite awhile ago and plus I was not there that time :) We skated for awhile and he finally got the hang of it. Keep in mind that we went on a day when the high temp was 28 degrees so it was pretty cold. After awhile of skating we went in for hot coca and enjoyed some nachos.

After ice skating we went to Tilles park and drove through the 'light jungle'. It was so much fun to be out with Caleb and we hope that this may start a new tradition around Christmas with Caleb.

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