Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I know I don't talk enough about Caleb and how wonderful he is. As a 4 year old he has had to endure some pretty rough stuff having 3 baby siblings. Constantly having to wait and be patient. Being on his own with mom and dad for 4 years and then throw into the current situation could have been shocking and on some days it is. I hate to admit how much tv the kid watches, but quite frankly some days, I just don't have the energy to do it all. Life is demanding and 4 kids are even more so. Caleb loves the babies and they love him ten fold. He can make them laugh like no one else. He seems to always have a favorite, but plays with them all. Sometimes a little too rough, but as we are yelling at him to stop the babies are laughing hysterically. How confusing is that?? He always says that they like it which I agree, but sometimes it is just too much. Anyway he is such a good big brother and yes, we have lots to work on as with any kid. Today he was especially good and when he was brushing his teeth he did not have a shirt on so I started singing/doing the cris cross applesauce song. He looked at me and said 'Mom, did you learn that at mom school?' How sweet is that??

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