I have to say that being off work and all of us being together for the past 5/6 days has been awesome. I know that Caleb has enjoyed being home with us especially since he was albe to enjoy all of his presents after Christmas day. I must say that Santa was very generous to us all this year. The boys (Mark and Caleb) really love their light sabers and guns. These are not just any run of the mill guns, these are battery operated dart guns and you can be assured that if you are planning a visit to our house you are sure to get nailed. Darts are everywhere, I love it-ha :)
My gifts were great as well!!

Caleb was given a karaoke machine for Christmas and he really likes it....and so do we.

At Great Grandma and grandpa Szachnieski's house he really liked a particular box. He even insisted on 'wearing' it home.
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