Sunday, December 7, 2008

Trying to kill Mark?

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We did however dinner tonight could have been tragic. Mark and I had been talking about that by not hosting Thanksgiving there were no leftovers to enjoy. We in the past have bought turkeys, but something always happens and we have to get rid or them or they just get old and we toss them. So today I decided that we were going to make a turkey for dinner. Caleb and I went shopping and bought a turkey breast and everything that you would have at a normal turkey day dinner. I got everything ready and ran out for a little while. Mark put the turkey in about 30 minutes after I left and all was well. On my way home I was talking to my sister-in-law Sarah and Mark beeped in. Normally I would have ignored it and called him back but something told me to answer. When I did, Mark was on the other end saying "Are you trying to kill me???" He proceeded to tell me that the smoke detectors were going off and when he opened the oven to check on the turkey the Pyrex dish the turkey was in exploded. So I asked if the turkey was ok:) Thank goodness the turkey was OK so dinner was not ruined. The turkey was in a cooking bag and it had fallen over (since it was the breast only it was an odd shape) and the drippings were what was causing the smoke, however I have no idea why a Pyrex baking dish would just shatter. By the time I got home Mark had most of the glass and mess cleaned up off the bottom of the oven. I found a new pan (non-glass) and we put the turkey back in without a cooking bag covered in foil. We were so close to not having our feast but it turned out wonderful. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, cauliflower with cheese sauce, candied yams and salad. I think the only things we were missing were cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. It was good, but we have a lot of left overs!!! Mark of course was only kidding when he asked if I was trying to kill him but does he really think I would get rid of him? Is he crazy? I need him now more than ever!!!

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