Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Smoke detectors

As I'm sure most of you know it is advisable that you check the batteries in your smoke detectors on a regular basis. Most normal families would do this by pressing the little button to make sure it works. I on the other hand like to check the efficiency and sensitivity of the smoke detectors while cooking. What better way to check! So tonight was a test night. I fired up the broiler and waited. Mark was prepared this time. He opened the window downstairs, put a fan in it and propped the front door for circulation. We of course had the useless fan over the stove on that does nothing. I'm not sure why it always happens to me, but low and behold as the steaks were cooking the smoke was barrelling out of the oven anytime I opened it to check on them. I know it is just the juices burning off in the pan, but man are those detectors sensitive. By the time they are done cooking only about 10 or 15 minutes (5 for Marks since he likes to chase his meat down to eat it) we have our routine down. Open the oven, flip the steaks, detectors go off and I head to the hallway with a dish towel to wave away the smoke. Am I the only one this happens to? Mark tells me that when we remodel our kitchen he is going to get me one of those fancy oven vents that actually sends the air outside. I can't wait! Thankfully this time it was only 40 degrees outside. Last time I checked to see if the detectors worked it was 30 below and I could hardly bear to crack the door. I am happy to report that they work!

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