I got there and it took them awhile to figure out who was who and then in pure Christian style he did not move or breathe like he was supposed to. They put me on the monitor and his heart rate did not go up level out and then go down again which is an indicator of movement. So...once again I was sent back to my room to eat and then come back at 2 which sounded good to me since I was starving.
When I got back to my room they came in and said I could not eat or drink, that I was going back down at 1 and that if he did not respond again they were going to take the babies. They went ahead and put in an IV to give me some fluids and just in case I would have the c-section it would already be there.
We went back down and he decided to move so he passed that part. Apparently I need to make sure Cecilia kicks him so he gets mad and moves. He did not breathe so I was put on the monitors for all 3 babies. To do this I have to lay on my back which is really not comfortable any more and hold that position for an hour or so depending on how long it takes them to find all 3 babies heart beats. I have also been having and feeling more contraction which causes more discomfort. In the 50 minutes I was actually on the monitors once they found all of the babies I had 7 contractions (which is not good). Christian on the other had looked great and his heart rate was fluctuating really well which is a good indicator. Cecilia and Cohen not so much...they decided it was nap time. Needless to say we were happy to hear the news that there would not be any babies delivered, but I have to go through the whole thing again on Monday. I talked to the doctor this morning and I don't think he is as concerned after what he saw yesterday and they actually took my iv port out which makes me very happy since it was already very irritating. He did say that he would get a second chance if he failed again, but it looks like it will all be touch and go with these monitoring sessions. I guess we will see what Monday brings....