Sunday, February 8, 2009


Mark took Caleb to the dentist this past Thursday and I am happy that he took the camera with him. As you can see from the pictures below he seemed to have had a great time. He was there for a cleaning in addition to a check up on his tooth/teeth that were injured on Christmas eve 2007. One of his front teeth was not looking well even though they said it would change colors for a couple of years. I did have a bad feeling however based on the way that it looked that it might need to come out. Well, I was right. In just a couple of weeks Caleb will go back so they can remove one of his front teeth since it is dead at the root. If you ask Caleb about it he seems excited about his dead tooth being taken out. He was quick to tell me that the tooth fairy was going to come and bring him dollars to shop with. I can't imagine my baby being toothless, but I guess I will have to get used to it.

If you are wondering why he is wearing his PJ's, it was pajama day at school. He told me that the the boys were going to serve the girls pancakes and the girls were going to serve the boys hot chocolate. He is very creative because they did have pancakes but no hot chocolate and the teachers did most of the serving. I'm sure he thought his party sounded more fun initially, but he said he had a good time.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Caleb needs to teach Emma a thing or two about going to the dentist... she is petrified!