Thursday, February 19, 2009

29 weeks and more!!!

Ok, so I was 29 weeks on Sunday and clearly I have been a bad blogger. This picture was actually taken on Sunday so it truly is a 29 week picture. Since it is Thursday I am now twice that size...just kidding, but I'm sure I am bigger. I have been busy this week..doing what I do not really know but I haven't found time to update the blog. I started doing the embroidery on the quilt blocks my mom brought me and finally figured out how to Crochet. I am on a mission to make some cute baby hats. I learned how to crochet last Wednesday and was doing it correctly when the teachers where here however once they left, it all went out the window. I tried to practice every night, but kept getting frustrated. So Tuesday my mom was here and she had me get it out to show her what I was doing since I can knit she couldn't believe that I could not crochet. Anyway, the reason I was not able to do it was that I was doing it completely wrong. I have now mastered it, or at least a couple of the stitches however the hats that I have started making are for a small child with a cone head. Clearly I need to practice more. I want to start on my fleece blankets and finish those first since I know how to cut and tie knots. The blankets are used to cover the babies when kangarooing??. I had never heard it called that but it is the skin to skin contact they want you to have with itty bitty babies.

This is a picture of the boys with their new Chelsea jerseys on valentines day. Caleb calls it his Chelsea banner and even slept in it that night.

1 comment:

meegonmeg said...

omg! I can't believe you're still pregnant! That's wonderful! I will pray for you that it lasts even longer! Go girl!