Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baby update

I had my ultrasound at 10 this morning and between visitors I napped so I am updating everyone late in the day. They all looked really good! Baby A is 2 lbs 5 oz, baby B is 2lbs 6 oz and baby C is 2 lbs 8 oz. Baby A may be a little off because she had a really hard time measuring him since he is SO low. To measure his head she actually had to push on my belly to get him to move a little so she could check the size. All of these weights are right at the 50th percentile so it is right is line with what a singleton would weigh at this point. Now, the tricky part is keeping them in me so they can keep growing. I'm not sure what other checks they will do other than to possibly check to see if I am dilating. I will be 28 weeks this weekend and I asked if they would give me another steroid shot right away and they said it would all depend on how long they think I can last. The shot is most effective right away and tends to wear off as you approach the two week mark. One doctor did think that I might hold out until 30 weeks so based on what happens later this week, hopefully that will still be the thought and they will wait for the shot. We need to make it to 30! Oh, and I also asked about the shot because I assumed that it would help them grow faster, but this shot is strictly for their lungs and actually slows their growth for a couple of days. So even with having the shot the babies were still a good size.

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