Monday, March 30, 2009
Look out!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Quick update...
All is well but I think they will be there for at least another week, but no real estimates from anyone official.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
One more thing...
Baby Update
Last night they actually moved them to the South NICU which is so much nicer. In the North NICU they had been moved into a little room by themselves since there was no room on the south side, but it was very small, cramped and not very private. Their new room has a couch and two recliners so it is much more relaxing and comfortable there than on the other side do to all of the hustle and bustle.
They have been checking their jaundice levels and last night they were all put in the tanning bed (under the blue light) which is to be expected. Mark and I were actually surprised that it had not been done sooner.
Let's see, what else....Christian peed on Mark last night, Cecilia hates getting baths and cried the entire time, they all still conk out shortly after their bellies are getting full, Cohen and Christian's IV's were moved from their hands to their feet, their weight is increasing again and they are all almost back up to their birth weight and they are still very adorable. Whew, I think I am up to date now.
Home Sweet Home
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Going Home!!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Baby Update - day 4
Mark and I couldn't be more excited about the progress they have all made over the last few days. We have been so blessed with healthy babies and they are so damn cute to boot. Everyone says that Christian and Cecilia look a lot a like, which we agree with but we also think they look like Caleb. Although all 3 of the babies have blonde hair which Caleb did not so we will see if that sticks around.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
They're here!!!!!!
Christian Xavier 4lbs 6oz inches 16 and 3/4 inches long born at 8:07 pm
Cecilia Louise 4lbs 1oz inches 16 and 1/2 inches long born at 8:08 pm
Cohen Alexander 4lbs 15oz inches 17 and 1/2 inches long born at 8:09 pm
I am so exhausted so I will post a couple of pictures tomorrow. As of this evening we were told that we may be able to hold Christian tomorrow.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Baby update 33 1/2 weeks
As excited as we are, weight does not dictate how well they will do on the outside world, but know that every little bit of fat (if you can call it that) is bonus. The key is gestational age and we are good there too. It is hard to believe that at the beginning of February they were all just around 2 1/2 lbs. I feel like my 'lost time' in the outside world has been so worth it.
Last night they increased my dose of contraction medicine from 30mg to 60mg however at 9:30 I was having a lot of contractions. They gave me a shot to stop them, but are not going to do that any more. They checked me and I am dilated to 3 cm so from this point on if I start contracting they will only check to see if I am dilating any more and then it will be off to delivery. I tend to contract more in the evening and at night so we will see what tonight brings. I panic ed about the blood pressure a couple of weeks ago and that has held out so hopefully things will stay calm. If something happens though, as my doctor said, it is a win win situation since I have made it this far.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Still no babies :)
Today there is not much happening except I have a couple of visitors which is always nice. I am anxious for tomorrow to get here so I can see how big the babies have grown. I'm not looking forward to spending most of the day in the perinatal center for the growth scans and biophysical exams, but it will be worth it. I will update the blog at some point, but my guess is that it will not be until late in the day. I did have a rather funny dream last night that the babies came out really big and one of them was rolling over already and the other had teeth. Strange, I know.
My doctor did stop by early this morning and I had him measure my belly again and I am measuring 48 weeks and I am only 33 1/2 today. The last time I was measured was a week ago yesterday (3/10) and I measured 44 1/2 at that time. I told him that I would not mind if he got rid of some extra skin when he sewed me up and he laughed and said I'm sure it will go back. Liar :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Still Cookin'
The babies did well on their monitoring today...well after 2 hours everyone did. Cohen had to have an ultrasound to check him out since his heart rate was not showing the fluctuations they were looking for, but he did fine in the end. I had expected that the babies would all be measured tomorrow since it is the 3 week mark since they had been measured last, but it does not look like that is on the schedule. I am anxious to see what their guessed weights are, but it appears that they are going to keep me guessing and torture me.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
What I know
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Caleb's Day
Friday, March 13, 2009
No protein here
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My blood pressure today has been up and down. Some good levels and some so so. They did go ahead and start the 24 hour urine collection to test today at 12:00 for protein and they are also collecting blood in the morning to make sure everything looks ok. The good thing is that if the blood work comes back ok and I do not have protein in my urine, they will just try to monitor my blood pressure with medicine. I will know more late tomorrow or Saturday on the results of the test.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
He for awhile was really into going on secret missions to the snack room to get different things for us. The hall had to be empty and he would run as fast as he could so that no one would see him. He still does this, but it is not quite as exciting as it used to be. Now he likes to go to the nurses station to ask for things. The two main things that he goes for are push pins and a dry erase marker. Mark needed push pins to hang my flag and we sent Caleb on that mission so from then on it has been fun. There really isn't anything that he can put the pins in other than my mattress or the chair, but he still likes to get them. In order to play school which is one of the new things that we do we have to get a dry erase marker from the nurses. Caleb is the teacher and Mark and I are the boys and girls. We have to write things on the board and then he points to them and we have to tell him what it is. Somehow we need to get those roles reversed, but hopefully in the meantime it will help him with identifying letters and numbers. Once he is the teacher, he is the teacher for the remainder of the time he is here.
Paper airplanes, or as Caleb likes to call them, rockets. The rockets are made and sail through the halls. If they go in the nurses station or anywhere near it, that is always a bonus as Caleb gets to go in there and tell them about it.
Karaoke, yes you heard me correctly. I am borrowing Caleb's radio that he got for Christmas that is also a karaoke machine. Mark loves to sing on it and if the right song is on, Caleb will sing too. He really likes the hokey poky.
On the days we went outside we had to race Caleb. The problem was that Mark and I were always sent on the 'slow' side (Caleb would call it that) and he would take off running. Poor Mark not only had to take the slow route, but he also had to push me in the wheel chair. Needless to say we always lost, but Mark always gave it a fair shot.
Caleb likes to take the Alligator (elevator) to the Capateria (cafeteria) to get food or the store (aka gift shop) to get candy. I showed him where the jelly belly's were so that is his new favorite thing. Sometimes they are distributed as medicine if he thinks we are ill.
Needless to say Caleb has made himself at home here and all of the nurses think that he is really cute. We have been having fun which is really nice. Hopefully while we are playing and having fun no one will get kicked out :)
50 days???
Also, I wanted to wish Danielle (Scheve) Reynolds a Happy Birthday.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
On the rise...
I also wanted to mention that I have noticed that my blood pressure is on the rise. I noticed it about a week ago and had tried to ignore it since that was the cause of my early delivery with Caleb. Last week it was not that bad but the last day or two it has gone up quite a bit and I have started to swell. This is a very common reasons for multiples to be delivered so these little guys may be here sooner rather than later. They usually have bench marks for the nurses before they call the doctors on me and for my blood pressure it is 160 over 105. My bottom number has been between 85 and 95 from yesterday to today so I'll let you all figure out the math. Keep in mind too that the medicine that I am taking for my contractions is also used to control blood pressure so I don't think they will give me any further meds, but the nurse did say that they may pay closer to my blood work and protein in my urine so who knows.
I also asked my doctor to measure my belly today and I measure 44 1/2 weeks. Yep, that is pretty big! It is getting difficult to type around my belly :)
We will see what tomorrow brings but in the meantime I need to make another hat so the boys will match.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How long???
A couple of things have changed in that they are no longer monitoring me for contractions. I am feeling them now and the doctors have said that at this point it is completely normal to be having them more frequently. What the contractions do is make me feel like I have to pee really bad. I can still breathe/talk/walk through them so they are really not a nuisance just yet. They have also said that if I go into labor they will not try to prevent like they had previously.
I am going twice a week (Monday & Thursday) to the perinatal center for a modified biophysical exam for the babies. This means that they do an ultrasound to check the fluid around the babies and then put me on the monitors and watch the babies heart beat fluctuations. I haven't heard a 'score' for the modified version so it seems like they get a little longer to perform. I think this was changed since they have defined fluctuations that they are looking for at the 32 week mark.
You might hear me complain a little more. From the pictures I am sure you can tell I am getting pretty big. The skin on my belly seems really stressed these days and is painful to the touch at times. I continue to treat it with lotion and oils to ward off stretch marks, but it looks like I have a bad sunburn at times since it is so red and irritated. My back is also starting to hurt from the bigger belly and laying down for so long. Changing positions and going for a little walk down the hall does help. I have asked for Tylenol two times too but it is nothing I can't handle at this point.
The good news is that I can still walk and get around very well. My nurse told me tonight that a lot of women have a hard time getting up at this point which is what pushes their deliver date up. Reality is setting in that they will be here soon. 32 weeks is average and most people have them by 34 weeks. long as I continue to do well and the babies look good at their monitoring each week and I do not go into labor I could be here for awhile longer. Really though at this point I think it is day by day since anything could happen at any time. And, as nice as it is, I am getting tired of being here. Give me a break, it has been 7 weeks!!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Escape to the outside!!
I asked Mark to post some of what they have been up to at home. Some of the stories I hear are so funny, but Mark really needs to tell them.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Bling and babies
definitely loves him mommy. When he and Mark were at incredible pizza a couple of weeks ago he used his tickets to get me this lovely ring. Of course I wear it and have actually even received compliments on it. Not having to do anything also does wonders for my nails. Mark even asked me if they were fake one day.
I also wanted to update that the babies did very well on with their monitoring today. I was there for about an hour and a half, but they all passed. Cecilia was the one that took her time today.
More Belly pics
Happy Birthday Julie!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hump day
Mark has the camera so I don't have my 31 week photo posted yet, but someone asked that I post the last couple of weeks pictures so they could be easily compared.
1/28/09 - 26 1/2 weeks
Monday, March 2, 2009
8 out of 8
I think that I mentioned that I have been feeling and having more contractions. Well last night they were pretty consistent at 5 minutes apart. They gave me another 10 mg of my medicine and that helped. They asked if I had a high pain tolerance since they don't seem to bother me and I sort of laughed since I think I am a baby when it comes to pain. Apparently I am better than I thought. From what they tell me if my contractions go on consistently for 2 hours they will probably check me to see how dilated I am (which has not been done yet) and then make a decision on what to do. They do not want to check to see if I am dilated because they think that will make everyone nervous. Hopefully things will just stay calm and I can keep doing what I am doing.