Friday, January 30, 2009
Snow and visits to mommy.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I passed!!! (glucose test)
Happy Birthday (Uncle) Pete!! (yesterday)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Belly shot 26 1/2 weeks
I flunked
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Let it SNOW!
Week in review
The next couple of days were a whirl wind as we were not sure what direction things would go. The contractions obviously had to stop or the babies would be here much too early. They had to take all precautions just in case so I received a steroid shot (2 rounds of shots). The shot helps with the development of the babies blood vessels and lungs which reduces the risks at birth for preemies. In addition I received a lovely IV drip of magnesium, which makes a person who feels perfectly normal really weird. For me it made me feel really hot and VERY thirsty. Because it affects some people worse than others I was not allowed out of bed without assistance. By the time they got the IV in me it was late in the day and I had only had breakfast. I could have gnawed my arm off by then, and thankfully they decided to let me eat dinner and drink water which totally relieved how awful the mag was making me feel. The problem is that this stuff has side effects (which depending on why they are giving it to you may be good), but it can decrease your blood pressure and drop your oxygen level, both of which happened to me.
So throughout the night they were constantly trying to monitor the babies and their heart beats. Since my oxygen level had dropped they were concerned with how much the babies were getting so they put me on oxygen. I'm not sure how they would think someone trying to lay on their back with 3 babies smashing their insides while they try for hours to keep track of 3 active babies would would not cause a decrease in oxygen, but they had to be careful as I am sure some of it was from the mag. Anyway, the mag did not work completely so they ended up weaning me off that and giving me another pill and that one did the trick. Thankfully at that point they decided to only monitor the babies every 4 hours for 30 minutes...which was always a lot longer because sometimes it would take them an hour to get all of them on the monitors. They were really busy at times and would just keep moving. Then if they could not find them they would bring in the ultrasound machine to locate them in hiding. Either way, every 4 hours was a lot better than all day.So, once that magnesium was out of my system, I felt pretty good and things were looking up. They did switch my meds again to what I was taking at home since there are no long term effects on the babies with this drug. Since my contractions had slowed, they moved me Friday to my more permanent room on the 5th floor. They still monitor my contractions twice a day and I am happy to say that I am having less than 3 an hour which is good. The monitoring is important since I never did and still do not feel the contractions, which concerns them. The babies heartbeats are checked daily and up until today it was by the doplar machine here on the floor, but they changed it to be the ultrasound machine which they also bring into my room. I will only get my cervix checked once a week and hopefully at the next check will not be more bad news...we need it to last as long as it can.
So, you wonder how long I will be long as it takes. If my body cooperates they will keep me here as long as they can which could be up to my 34 week mark (I am only 26 weeks now so you can do the calculations). Each day I can keep these babies in me increases their chance of survival and reduces their stay in the NICU 2-3 days, so the stakes are obviously very high. I feel fine, just like I did before so as long as they can keep my contractions in check this is really an uphill mental battle to stay sane while locked up.
Happy Birthday Grandma K / K
Monday, January 26, 2009
Let it SNOW!!!!
The weekend passed and I had lots of visitors who brought me yummy treats! There is actually a scale in my room and I weighed myself this morning and it said that I was 10 lbs heavier than I was yesterday. Now I am sure there are issues with the scale however at the rate I am going it is quite possible :) Saturday night Mark and Caleb came up for a movie night. They went to the Bean House (Mark's parents restaurant) and made a pizza for dinner. The pizza was great and the movie was good but Caleb was really antsy. He gets that way when he is tired. He had a busy weekend already by that time since he stayed the night with Grandma and Grandpa Gardner's on Friday night and had Caiden over to play on Saturday morning. Then he did not take a nap so on the way home he passed out. Mark was probably relieved since he was tired too. The weekend wrapped up for them with Sunday dinner to celebrate Grandma K's 80th birthday on Tuesday.
I expect the week to be pretty low key for me especially with the pending bad weather, but I guess from my end no news is good news.Friday, January 23, 2009
New digs
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I currently am only hooked up to a monitor for contractions and expect that they will remove my iv port tomorrow or Saturday. They are still monitoring the babies every 4 hours for 30 minutes however depending on their cooperation it can sometimes take a couple of hours to get good readings on all of them. My oxygen level has been around 95 and drops lower at night so I have been hooked up to ensure I have enough oxygen for the babies too.
I have been told that I will be moving to another floor soon...most likely tomorrow or Saturday. They said today that the floor was pretty full and did not want to put me in a room with anyone else since I am 'long term'. On that floor they will not be monitoring me as closely and I will be able to wear regular clothes, etc.Mark was here all day and decided to take Caleb to Incredible Pizza. Sounded like they had a great time and since today was double ticket day they got lots of goodies to bring home. I'm going to actually try to get some sleep tonight, but we shall see if everyone else has the same plan for me :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hopsital Vist
I'm free...
Like Mark said they are VERY pleased with my response to the indicin that I started taking this morning which is taken by mouth I think twice a day (so far I have only had one dose). They stopped the magnesium drip about noon and so around two this afternoon they unhooked all of the baby monitors , oxygen and my blood pressure looked good too. They also gave me my second steroid shot which is to get the babies lungs. I feel so free! Things are looking up, at least for the moment, but they still have to check my cervix to make sure everything is OK there. Not sure when they plan to do that though and of course things could change at any point, but I am hoping and praying that they stay stable. I still have an IV and a contraction monitor on me, but that is nothing compared to all of the ones for the babies.
No one ever wishes for a long stay at the hospital, but this is one of those rare moments. If anyone needs me you know where I will be for the time being and for now it looks like myBreaking News! New meds may be the answer...
More updates to come...
Oh St. John! Andi's new home....
In a dimly lit room at St. Johns Mercy medical center, Mrs. G lays in bed in a nervous sleep. Always a woman with stunning beauty, she now more or less resembles an average computer hookup. With the amount of monitors, printers, and cables connected to her, her body is the hard drive. She treats the nurses as computer programs sending out commands to be executed. One looking on might dub her the nickname of HAL, the famous mischievous computer from "2001: A Space Odyssey".
On a serious note. All is as well as it can be. Her cervix is not dilated, yet it has been shortening. Though she can not feel them, she has been having 5 to 6 contractions and hour. At this moment the doctors have been giving us mixed signals about the babies. It seems that the oxygen in-take of Andi has been a concern for the bambinos. Apparently they are looking at the heart rate of one of the babies. What we've gathered is, if this baby was a singleton(meaning single pregnancy), they would be considering taking this baby now. In all, we don't know what to think. Thoughts and prayers are needed now more than ever. We will try to keep you up to date as much as possible.
On a side note, there is a portable potty next to Andi's bed. Every time she needs to do her business, she buzzes the nurses in as if they are her Royal Servants. They disconnect her from the monitors, and assist her to the potty. As the "Servants" wait beside her, she lets it all out. As the noises ring the ears and the stench hits the air, the Royal Guards hand her the toilet paper. Then she is assisted back to her bed.
Monday, January 19, 2009
25 weeks
Rub a dub dub
Friday, January 16, 2009
Kids say the funniest things
Thursday, January 15, 2009
What now?
Belly Shots
Bad sister - Happy Belated Birthday Jason!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
24 1/2 week update
Fallen off the face of the earth??
Friday was my last day of work and it still seems strange. Mark sent me roses and Julie sent me chocolate covered strawberries and apples. They sure do know the way to a girls heart and belly : )
IT was a good week, but still seems strange that I will not be back at work in a week or so.Monday, January 5, 2009
Ho Hum
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy belated Birthday Brandon!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Monkey Caleb!
Happy New Year!!!!
The Bambino's