Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hopsital Vist

Mark spent the day with me before he went to class and then my mom brought up Caleb so I could see him. He is still very proud of the pen with the heart shaped thing on the top that when you hit it it flashes. He got it at the store at the hospital last night when he and Mark came to visit me. I on the other had in this photo still had not had a shower since yesterday morning and have 4 monitors on my belly which is why it looks bumpy. I am happy to report in that I have showered, washed the 32 oz of jelly off my belly from the monitors and feel clean and refreshed! In my palace of a room, I have two beds, one for delivery and the standard hospital 'comfortable' bed. Caleb enjoyed playing with the bed and lifting Julie and Michele high off the ground. Day two and he is still bored! Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Today turned out to be a good day, but we still have a long way to go!!!


Sam said...

I love this picture! Hang in there. Love and miss you lots!

Papa Bill said...

Glad to hear you are doing better. Caleb is so thoughtful and worried about you. As soon as he saw that flower last night he said I have to get this for my mommy. He really loves you very much.

Unknown said...


All of us are praying for you and the babies. We offer you any help we can give to you. I understand Mark is going to school for his license on top of all this! Me, Kathleen and James offer our free babysitting and shuttle services to you guys.Really, anything you need...

We love you guys,

Laura,Joe,James and Kathleen

FarmGirl_76 said...

Hey Andi,
Keep Cookin' Mama! We're praying God's blessings on you, the babies, big brother Caleb, and Daddy Mark.
Huggies n Luvs,
Tracy, Billy and Ben