Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh St. John! Andi's new home....

Reporting to you live from the new home of Andrea and the Bambino's, I'm Mark Gardner.
In a dimly lit room at St. Johns Mercy medical center, Mrs. G lays in bed in a nervous sleep. Always a woman with stunning beauty, she now more or less resembles an average computer hookup. With the amount of monitors, printers, and cables connected to her, her body is the hard drive. She treats the nurses as computer programs sending out commands to be executed. One looking on might dub her the nickname of HAL, the famous mischievous computer from "2001: A Space Odyssey".
On a serious note. All is as well as it can be. Her cervix is not dilated, yet it has been shortening. Though she can not feel them, she has been having 5 to 6 contractions and hour. At this moment the doctors have been giving us mixed signals about the babies. It seems that the oxygen in-take of Andi has been a concern for the bambinos. Apparently they are looking at the heart rate of one of the babies. What we've gathered is, if this baby was a singleton(meaning single pregnancy), they would be considering taking this baby now. In all, we don't know what to think. Thoughts and prayers are needed now more than ever. We will try to keep you up to date as much as possible.
On a side note, there is a portable potty next to Andi's bed. Every time she needs to do her business, she buzzes the nurses in as if they are her Royal Servants. They disconnect her from the monitors, and assist her to the potty. As the "Servants" wait beside her, she lets it all out. As the noises ring the ears and the stench hits the air, the Royal Guards hand her the toilet paper. Then she is assisted back to her bed.

1 comment:

Sam said...

love you and praying for you all!